
Submitted by , posted on 19 November 2001
Image Description, by

These screenshots was taken from our game (Ryzom, a MMORPG) developed by Nevrax
(www.nevrax.com) using NeL (Nevrax Library).
NeL is our GNU GPL library (www.nevrax.org) used to develop our program. It
contains a 3d engine, ai engine, network engine, sound engine and lot of other
features. It is multiplateform and is developped under win32 and linux. For the
moment, NeL uses OpenGl and OpenAl.
The 3d engine handle indoor and outdoor scene with totaly different algorithms
(On screenshot, you see only outdoors scene).
Landscape features:
Landscape texture mapping at a constant 1.5cm/ texel, with the possibility of
a second complete additive texture layer.
The landscape is mapped with tile textures using smooth material transitions.
Bezier patch landscape modeling gives NeL enormously more flexibilty than
traditional height fields. NeL supports vertical faces, overhangs, and so on.
An incremental ROAM-like algorithm is used to provide adaptive subdivision of
the landscape based on distance from the camera, steepness, etc.
Geomorphing is used between LODs (levels of detail) to eliminate popping. It
is computed with a vertex program.
Landscape colouring effects include vertex colouring and application of
pre-calculated shadow maps (with soft shadow and radiosity like alg).
Landscape is dynamicaly streamed into memory with background loading
Displacement maps (also known as geometric noise) is used at tesselation time.
These are taken into account during lightmap generation which means that they
can still be 'seen' at low levels of detail
A complete set of 3dsmax modifier and exporter plugins is available to edit
the landscape.
For other 3d features, take a look on
For other NeL features and docs: http://www.nevrax.org/docs/
Nevrax Team