
Submitted by , posted on 09 November 2001
Image Description, by

This is a collection of screenshots from my 3d graphics engine, called
mercury. I created it for a games programming subject at my school, the
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. Essentially, it is a quake3 level
viewer that implements nearly all of the graphical features
implemented in the real quake3 engine. This includes:
PVS optimised BSP rendering
Volumetric fog
Curved surfaces
Extensive shader support
In fact, all it doesn't include is dynamic lighting and a few of the
fancier shader operations (that is, the skyparms and deformverts).
The rendering code is only moderatly optimized because I consider this
project one which will continually evolve (and trying to extend highly
optimized code is hard). Even so, the engine performs well on most modern
multitexture capable accelerators including my own "low end" 400Mhz K6,
Nvidia Vanta equipped PC. There is a demo available on my website
which you can download and run provided you have a copy of Quake3. At
the moment there is only a windows version for download, however, there will
be a linux demo available soon (most of the project was developed using
linux!). More information, plus full size screenshots are available at the
above site.
Oh yeah, I graduate soon and am looking for work as a programmer. I live
in Melbourne, Australia, but would consider relocating (especially to
Mesquite, TX :) )
Have fun.