
Submitted by , posted on 29 October 2001
Image Description, by

I always wondered what a depth buffer could look. I had a good idea but i
thought that actually see one could be cool. So here is my little 2 cents to the
IOTD afficionados :).
The engine being developped under OpenGL, i used the glReadPixels to extract the
raw depth buffer data then some resampling are needed to get RGB values. I used
the devil image lib (www.imagelib.org) to save the final data.
The pic where white visually means far array is the actual one, the other one
was cool enough to be showed too ;)
The image is taken from my current personnal game project Djidjoo
(www.lightsphere.net). Except that the landscape geometry can be modified in
real time with the mouse, the engine has no exciting feature. It's a very
simple/basic engine using very well known OpenGL techs (Vertex Array + strips,
multitexturing, lighting), 3ds (lib3ds.sourceforge.net) and md3 files are used
for objects/characters. Some state variables can be enabled/disabled/configured
through a console.
I only hope to release the final game one day :).