
Submitted by , posted on 28 October 2002
Image Description, by

IdleTime is brought to you by three (2 artists, 1 coder) wannabe gamers from
regional australia (specifically ballarat, victoria).
Two thirds of the group are currently studying computing degrees at the
university of ballarat.
Three thirds of the group desperately wish to be a part of the commercial
game development scene.
Idletime has been developed for about 9 months on and off (work and study
take a bit of time). Coded with visual c, idletime uses an oct tree engine,
the models can be created in virtually any 3d product (eg. lightwave, 3ds
max, maya, milkshape, etc.), maps are created in the worldcraft/hammer
editor. It has limited physics and collision detection at the moment.
Rendered with OpenGL
Octree engine
Light maps for the world geomtry
Stencil buffer shadows for the cars
Sphircal environment mapping for cars and world
Motion blur
Quake style console
FMOD for sound and mp3 player
Crappy physics (physics coding was a lot harder then we thought)
6 real cars
3 maps
Game and tools written in VC6
Maps are made with worldcraft/hammer, then lightmap and octree are made
with our map compiler
Cars can be made with almost any 3D modeller, then scaled with our "magic"
:) car making tool.
Writing a flip code blurb was probably one of the hardest things ;)
There are still a few things to be completed/updated, these include such
things as:
Texturing of cars/maps
Map finalisation
Network code
Updated physics/collision detection
Network coding
AI pathing
Car details
Level of detail modelling/code
Normal Mapping
Real Time Cubic Environment mapping
Download in the downloads section (funnily enough) at www.lphpnl.com
Idletime is still a work in progress. One thing we are always having trouble
with is textures. Our team only has two modelers and one coder (with some
help from our friends). We all hate it when there is a cool IOTD and you
can't download it and play with it your self. So you can all come to our
site and download it. You can even drop into our forum and
tell us what you think or don't think
Please feel free to email us with ANY questions or critisisms, we want as
much feedback as possible
If you would like to bag the artwork, get onto lucas_wallis@hotmail.com or
If you feel that the programming could do with a bit of a beefing up then
email mick at myoung@qonline.com.au