
Submitted by , posted on 27 October 2002
Image Description, by

This image shows our newest results for the LSCM parameterization
method. More details are available from http://www.loria.fr/~levy
LSCM (Least Squares Conformal Maps) makes it possible to create an
atlas, i.e. a representation of an object very usefull for texture
mapping, level of details with normal maps, ... This latter application
has been previously shown at Flipcode by Charles Bloom, see his page
To construct an atlas, the model is first subdivided into pieces, which
are flattened. The flattened pieces are then grouped in (u,v) texture
space (lower left image). The lower right image shows how a regular
grid is mapped from texture space to the object.
This parameterization has been constructed thanks to a multiresolution
version of LSCM, combined with an automatic segmentation algorithm.