
Submitted by , posted on 22 October 2003
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This is my one man band project, it' a Serious Sam tribute the aim is to
make an engine similar to the one that moves Serious Sam games series,
mainly because i love first person shooters with particular attentions to
the ones where the only thing to do is bring the weapon and kill tons of
Tech feature of the Terracresta engine are:
Quadtree for terrain frustum culling
Octree for static entity culling
Cubemap / Skydome for sky
Lens flare
Console with proprietary scripting system
Collision detection with sliding usigng sphere, AABB, OBB
ASE, MS3D, MD2, MD5 Models loading and rendering
Multitexturing support for bump mapping
OpenGL for rendering and DirectX for handling input
Easy customizable level description files (.ini)
for more infos and a tech demo (early stage of dev.) please point your
browser to:
or here for my other projects:
Riccardo "moriarty" Ceccato