
Submitted by , posted on 20 October 2000
Image Description, by

A mix of screenshots from my upcoming game system, the TINY engine. Actually the
work is on the early stages, but I felt somewhat anxious to hear from this
refined community what do you think about it as it is just now (very simple, I
know). I will be glad to see some comments.
Maybe it sounds a little biased, but I must say that this sample doesn't show
it's real capabilities. The real demo will be ready within 30-45 days from now.
The system will feature seamless indoor/outdoor scenery and advanced game
entities, particle systems, etc.
Features already implemented:
Direct 3DSMAX scene/model exporting including correct multi/sub materials,
lights, cameras, textures (with auto-conversion) and geometry -- with
immediate preview;
Tunable raytraced lightmaps with phong shading and shininess;
Saving/loading of preprocessed scene to/from compressed cabinet file
(using Microsoft's free cab library - works but is provisory);
Adjustable octree subdivision with fast frustrum culling;
Adjustable ellipsoidal collision detection (octree aware);
Multiple origin/target cameras;
Support for keyboard, mouse and VFX-3D helmets through DirectInput and
retouched code fragments from IISVR;
Vertex buffered Direct3D rendering;
Quake2 animated models (works well but is provisory);
Small executable, small scene file, no external dependencies (being
designed with web in mind);
Average good oop with separated Core/Windows modules.
The first preliminar preview is available at [http://planeta.terra.com.br/informatica/tiny]