
Submitted by , posted on 19 October 2002
Image Description, by

Here is a small attempt of "refraction" on my beginning of software 3d
engine. This engine for now features things like that :
Flat and gouraud shading
Backface culling (of course)
Object generation (Cube, torus, etc)
Per-pixel alpha blending
Fake refraction (not a texture, real background is used)
Environement mapping
Etc (in fact all the basic stuff you'll find on a 3d engine)
Why software rendering ? Because I don't think putting polygons, even
textured, is a cool thing to do at spare time.
I don't have pixel shaders enabled 3d video board, and it's far too
expensive and not enough standard for now.
Sorry, you cannot download anything yet, but the demo(s) created with
this engine will be GPL'd (Release soon).
Thanks for watching, you can send comments to jylam@lnxscene.org
(Oh, and I'm looking for a job as a software developper (Games, Embedded
computers, etc), near Lyon, France. You can find my Resume at
http://www.lnxscene.org/jylam )