
Submitted by , posted on 17 October 2002
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Sir Bouncealot is my first complete Java game. It's an old school platform jump and slash type of game with ten levels and four different monsters. You play as Sir Bouncealot, a small knight with a big sword, trapped in a world filled with enemies. Slash and bash all the monsters to advance to the next level and earn a place in the highscore list. The game is playable in your web browser by going here. The image above displays a sample of some levels and monsters in the game.
The project was in development for ten months. Of course, the project work was not anything near full time since other commitments keep getting in the way (!). As mentioned, it was coded in Java using the IntelliJ IDEA development environment. IDEA is a very friendly environment and I immediately fell in love with it, although it too is coded in Java and can therefore be very slow.
Sir Bouncealot has been developed as an integrated part of the Brainchild Design online community for game developers and fans. Members that are logged in when playing automatically have their user name entered when they make it to the highscore list. The list is stored in a MySQL database on the web server, which makes it possible for all the users to compete against each other.
Brainchild Design is a small games development group with four members. We make small but addictive games and try to be innovative. In 2001, Mattias Brynervall, one of the members, launched the community and it has been growing and improving ever since. The community contains all our game releases together with a very active forum, a Java chat, and personalized member pages with guest books, mail functions, diaries and much more.