Image Description, by

Here are the screenshots of my hardware accelerated raytracing engine.
Top four pictures are rendered with only phong shading,
bottom - with shadow testing and reflections eneabled.
DirectX8 support,
".x" files loader,
fast phong shading,
shadows, reflections,
3Dnow! optimizations,
no spatial subdivision (yet!), each ray is tested with all
Hardware acceleration does not work very fast because of slow AGP
reading (20MB/s on my system).
People, use vector instructions, f.e. 3Dnow!
Ray/triangle intersection function (barycentric test) written in 3Dnow!
tests two triangles at once:
best case, both triangles are backfacing - only 39 cycles,
worst case, both triangles are intersecting - 126 cycles.
(including function call & return from Visual C++)
btw. My PC is quite old:
Duron 700,
Matrox G400,
I will try to release program & source soon on my homepage:
If you wish to contact me, write to:
Marek Galach (aka Nygus)