
Submitted by , posted on 11 October 2001
Image Description, by

Here is a screenshot from our first, just released, shareware screensaver called
World Saver 3D. Here's the product blurb:
"World Saver 3D is a new, unique, fully-featured 3D Windows screensaver by
MeanFox.com. It features a beautifully rendered 3D world slowly spinning against
a backdrop of stars, including the Sun, correctly positioned in relation to the
Earth. You can mark the location of hundreds of major cities around the world
and show their names if you desire. But World Saver 3D is more than this. It
also allows you to tell at a glance the approximate time at any location on the
This was a major product for us, there were very many issues to handle,
jpg decompression from a resource
registration codes
anti-piracy security
longitude/latitude data
seasonal calculations
serious performance optimization
significant use of the registry
quite a lot of configuration options
fast, efficient moving text
registration service
obtaining diagnostics from the end-user
many others...
In retrospect, it was too much to chew on at once. Going from freeware to
shareware is a big step in itself, I advise you to do this with a very small
product first !
Please download and try the free trial from
Thanks for any feedback -
Mean Fox