
Submitted by , posted on 07 October 2001
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ClusterGL is a Real Time Ray Tracing library with an
OpenGL like API, developed at University Of Salerno by
Rosario De Chiara and Ugo Erra.
The CPU power needed to obtain real time performance
with an computationally heavy algorithm such as real time,
is provided by a cluster made up six PCs (PIII 650Mhz)
on a 1.28Gbit LAN(Myrinet) under Linux.
ClusterGL uses the SEADS (Spatially Enumerated Auxiliary Data
Structure) to speed up the ray-triangle intersection and
obtain a load balancing among the nodes.
ClusterGL can manage shaded, mirrored, trasparent triangles
and colored light.
In ClusterGL is implemented a subset of OpenGL commands
that permits fast traslations for simple OpenGL sources.
ClusterGL is full CPU power no 3d accellerator needed.
More to come:
Texture mapping
Contact address: clustergl@hotmail.com
Rosario De Chiara
Ugo Erra
ClusterGL Team