
Submitted by , posted on 26 September 2002
Image Description, by

We are a German hobby game developer-team and want to send you a screenshot
from our game 'kampf dem mobbingclan'. Its released and you can get it
from: here.
'kampf dem mobbingclan' is an arcade-game. You have to help the little
delphin mobbi, who is hunted by a group of fish. You have to hurt the fish
or attack them with bombs, balloons...or make them drunk. ;o) for every
action you get points. The game is finished if the group catches mobbi,
or if you help him for 120 seconds. When you help him that long,
you get 500 extra points, then you can subscribe to the online high
You can reach the online high score here.
Our team homepage is http://www.ec-team.net
I also want to ask if you would link my german game developing page. There you
can find a lot of tutorials about coding in c++, vb, turbo pascal,
java...(especially directx), 2d-3dgrafik, and sound. There is also a forum and
a section where you can offer your games. There are also a texture- and
soundarchive, and a section about books.
The page is: http://www.gdirectx-dev.de
bye fronc