
Submitted by , posted on 18 September 2000
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Here's the latest shot of my 3d modelling software, Clayworks. It shows my
custom GUI which uses my own drawing routines under direct draw for
blitting. Although it looks quite different from a standard windows app, it
runs alongside other applications and makes use of the clipboard and drag n'
drop features, rather than running in full screen only.
The gui will soon handle transparency but as I'm clipping the correctly
windows rather than drawing them all from back to front, this is a more
complicated matter than in some other GUI's. I've come up with a neat
solution but it'll take a bit of hacking to get it working :)
The application itself has been in development for quite a while although
I haven't released this latest iteration yet. The older DOS version are
available from my site (www.clayworks3d.com) but the new one is far in
advance of this. The modelling tools are quite extensive, including
polygonal mesh construction (with 'post-creation' parametric alterations
available ala 3dstudio max), splines and metaballs. The selection and
manipulation tools include the standard translation, scaling and rotation
functions but also include a wide range of more specialized tools for
scaling on an axis, rotating around and axis, twisting, shearing, tapering
and so on. All of these tools can be combined with copying and extrusion
functions which come in really handy for mesh modelling.
Clayworks supports quite a few popular file formats too with a wide range
of image and mesh import/export functions. Currently included are lightwave
lwo files, 3ds files, md3 quake models, clayworks internal file format and a
couple of other slightly more obscure formats. I'm planning on extending
this list to include POVray and softimage files amongst others.
Hopefully I'll have a release version available later this year. If you
want to encourage me to hurry up, drop me an email at either
tim@clayworks.com or tim@aicube.com
Tim Lewis.