
Submitted by , posted on 07 September 2000
Image Description, by

I'm Ohad Eder Pressman from IMR, the image you can see is the outcome of our
raytracer 'IMRay'. The raytracer uses exported MAX scenes as it's input (Using
Masterboy's .I3D exporter), it's not a sphere/plane/cone based raytracer, it
works on polygons. It supports all the standard features you'd expect from a
raytracer, you can see them in the shots. Speed-wise it uses 3 important
optimizations : Bounding volumes, Ray-Hit-Cache and Shadow-Cache. This shortened
the working time on one of my test scenes (Heavy on reflections and shadows)
from 10 minutes to 14 seconds, and I haven't added edge-checking to all the
caching systems yet.
I'm not sure yet if I'm going to go on with the tracer as it is, I'm thinking of
going into a Radiosity or Photon-Map (The "new" method presented at
Siggraph2000) based light-map calculator, or perhaps concentrate on high-quality
and realistic tracing of a specific effect, haven't decided yet
That's it, comments are welcome :)
Ohad Eder Pressman