
Submitted by , posted on 29 August 2003
Image Description, by

I recently converted my old 2D graphic effect 16-bit programs to Java applets. The image
consists of: plasma (top left), motion blur (top right), gray-scale linear bumpmap
(middle left), bumpmap with phong illumination (middle right), fire (bottom left), and
arbitrary edge texture mapper (bottom right).
I think that the Java applets are useful for some (Java) 2D gfx newbies. All the source
codes are available from my www-site: http://www.jyu.fi/~ishorppu/
REMARK: the applets are compiled with JRE 1.4.2 (so you may need to install the
runtime in order to run the applets), and have been tested with Internet Explorer 6 SP1.