
Submitted by , posted on 21 August 2001
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Does anyone remember this board game? Avalon Hill, went out of
print about, oh... 1979? Well, it was and is still one of my
absolute favorites. I was a teacher a few years ago and while
the students were working indivdually, I made this game on the
instructors' PC on the projection screen so they could watch.
I like how it ended up, and is about 75% complete.
Because of what I was teaching, this is done in Visual Basic
6 and DirectX 7. Although I would definitely use Vis. C++ now,
it really works well as it is! It's a turn-based wargame, and
the animated explosions look great. The ships are rendered in
TrueSpace 4. The textures on the ships are the front of an
Albertson's grocery store(stone, windows with fluorescent lights
inside) in Fort Worth, Texas. I have moved to Phoenix, AZ...
While not complete, the AI is simple influence mapping.
I wish I could post it here, but the board game is owned by
Avalon Hill, owned by Hasbro. Uh oh, right? I ain't gonna be
sued. They would never release it, the market for this kind
of game is so low... I just wish I could speak to the guy who
made the board game twenty-some years ago... [Garret Donner (Also made
"Wizard's Quest" and "Dragonhunt")] I am working on another
project, which you will see soon. I'll get a publisher then.
(my page is down because I moved, but these "picts of the day"
stay up for a long time, so I gave my URL anyway. It will be up
in a week or two...)