
Submitted by , posted on 14 August 2001
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This is a screenshot of the editor to my gfx engine "Vision3". There is
still a lot to be done, but the engine already features:
-sector/portal visibillity using sectors and portals generated with a CSG
based algorithm. I've never seen such an approach in any app, but i think
this is a very innovative technique, as it generates really good
portalization with nearly no processing time and not too much to care for by
the artist.
an advanced high lvl CSG algorithm, which leads to damn fast rebuild times
damn fast rebuild times :)
a geometry optimizer caple of removing practically all unnecessary geometry
splits introduced by CSG
collision detection using per sector BSPs and portals
lightmaps and vertexlighting
rendering using DirectX8
the nemesis of every MFC programmer: an editor with an UI which can
actually handle resizing windows and dialogs! ("bla.Anchors := [ akLeft,
akRight, akTop ]" ...) ;))
the next things i want to do are:
add support for external objects (like decoration, done in 3ds or
add more material features (or better: implement them :) )
improve the lighting system by adding more light types. (i'm very
optimistic that you can fake equal or better looking results than most
radiosity implementations feature with simple stuff like normal raytraced
pointlights, ambient pointlights, "ambient directional pointlights (:))" and
stuff like that ... and still have an acceptable rebuild time^^)
I'm kinda proud of the project, mainly because i've done it on my own. The
ideas and algorithms for the CSG, geometry optimizing and portalizing were
all 100% generated in my mind :) (although that doesnt necessarily have to
mean that no one generated them before *g*). I've come farer than i
I just released the first "public" preview of my Editor to show off my tek a
bit ;).
The project homepage is at http://pc.exit.de/vision3. There you can find
more infos, screenshots and - of course - the editor download (although the
demo "level" still suffers from "programmers art" quite a bit... so if
anyone would make something cool with it, i'd like to see^^).
Gerald "cgk" Knizia