
Submitted by , posted on 13 August 2001
Image Description, by

This Demo, Spooky-3D, was part of the Karlsruher Museumsnacht last weekend (
4.8.2001 ).
It was presented in front of the Kalrsruhe Palace on two video-beamers which
projected from the balkony to the floor in front of the Palace.
The first projection was aimed to the tracking area, i.e. if someone
entered/crossed this area, he or she was followed by a lot of theese yellow
points (bottom right image).
This was made possible by an infrared-camera with 2 infrared-spotlights which
was mounted beside the beamers. The camera was connected to a computer with a
tv-card, which evaluates and sends tracking-data of persons in this area via
midi (coordinates as notes) to my two computers, where the demo was running.
But it was really difficult, to set up the projection so that the position of
the people matched the projected position of the yellow points.
The second Projection was a complete demo which integrated the tracking area of
the first projection in 3D (upper left image) and 2 other effects (bottom left
and upper right image). In the 3D-Version, you also can see the Karlsruhe Palace
as wireframe (thx to Julia) and a lot of camera flights.
The Demo was coded in alround 3-4 weeks and it is based on my 3D-Engine (3DED)
which uses OpenGL for 3D-Acceleration.
The soundcapturing from line-in was done by using the standard wavein-commands
(no direcx or something) of the multimedia-libary. I've also implemented a
simple fourier-transform to get the beats of the music.
If you want to take a look at he Demo in action, you can get it here (simple
click on a screenshot)
The source is included too.