
Submitted by , posted on 05 August 2001
Image Description, by

This is a game project(totally amateurish) I've been working on for about 4
months.(Actually we are a group of 3 but I am the only coder) Features are:
Lightmaps(Radiosity or simple raycasting. But radiosity is not optimized
yet so these shots are raycast lighted)
Collision system(Greatly modified version of Paul Nettle and Telemachos's
ellipsoid-poly collision detection and response)
CSG to WorldCraft 3.3 MAPs
Some eyecandy: glows, transparent surfaces, animated textures, switched
textures, simple water wave effect)
MD2 support
OpenGL for rendering
DirectX 5.0+ for DirectInput and DirectSound(why not 8.0? I dont have the
SDK and samples from my MSDN CD were for DX5.0)
Releasing this tech. demo was a deadline for me, now I will go back,
optimize and polish the preprocessing tools and start working on enemy AI. I
hope I can finish this project because I am really really sick of seeing
things in first person view :).
Your feedbacks are greatly appreciated(more if you test the demo and post
resulting FPS and your machine properties here)
Download Website: http://www.geocities.com/proje_x/
PS: Guns are from Action Quake2, textures from CS, HL.