
Submitted by , posted on 25 July 2003
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Here are a few sample renderings made with my new rendering system.
Sunflow is an advanced and highly extensible ray-tracing engine supporting
global illumination. It is written in Java (for extensibility) and the
source code is released under the MIT license. The current release is mainly
targeted to programmers. The scene file format is documented but no
exporters are provided as it is likely to change in the very near future.
The main current features are:
Photon mapping (for GI and caustics)
Irradiance caching with irradiance gradients (for diffuse
Diffuse, metal and glass shaders
Soft shadows from area lights
Point lights and directional spotlights
Meshes, spheres and planes
Adaptive anti-aliasing
Simple shader system (simply extend a base class to define new shading
types - no restrictions are placed on the type of material you can
represent - user has full control over shadows/caustics/GI)
Features currently in development are:
Volumetric scattering with a volume photon map
Sub-surface scattering
Scripting language integration for procedural scene creation and run-time
definition of new shader types (I am considering Jython)
And lots more ...
Please stop by the website to check out the full feature list, extended
gallery and download the source code/test scenes:
Note: I am looking for talented modelers (3ds max preferably) to design some
additional test scenes and stress test the renderer. Feel free to contact me
if you are interested. Your work will be showcased and credited.