
Submitted by , posted on 17 July 2002
Image Description, by

SENTINEL ISLANDS: TANK is a spare time game project by 2 people, Karl (gfx)
and Toxi (code). It started out as a learning experience for both of us; I
wanted some experience with low poly modeling and texturing, and Karsten
wanted to get into 3d programming. As we're both into these
kinds of games, a simple strategy/action approach seemed the natural choice.
(And tanks are good because they have few moving parts, move at a reasonable
pace, and their weight rules out any need for complicated physics, as they
just hug the ground.)
We've just posted our first "playable" demo, (v0.37, url below) which means
you can drive around, get shot at (without any harm), "deform" the terrain
(build roads) and call over the dropship.
Planned 1.0 features includes:
platform independent client (mac/pc/OpenGL/DirectX) technology
web-based online multiplayer vehicle combat
fully deformable complex terrain
different terrain types affect accessibility
build roads, construct tanktraps and plant mines
AI controlled enemy forces
kick ass action/strategy combo =)
The entire game is written in Lingo, using Macromedia Director 8.5. Our
choice was mainly due to having no previous experience in 3D programming,
cross-platform availability (i.e. we develop on Mac G3's/G4's).
Director/Shockwave is a very stable environment. You can run the game in
your browser. Multiuser server side scripts are currently Lingo too, but
might be ported to Java in future.
All models were built in shapeshifter, a crossplatform "clone" of milkshape
which runs as an xtra inside director. (Most of you should be familiar with
milkshape. It's basically an editor aimed at building and animating meshes.
It's ideal for low polygon work.) Textures were done in photoshop and
UV-mapped in shapeshifter.
About the screenshot:
1 is a beach shot, with the tank sitting in shallow water, facing the
carrier. Carriers are used to lift the tank across deep water, and also for
repairs, refueling and rearming.
2 is a close-up of the tank moving through some hostile terrain. You can
just about make out an AI enemy machine gun turret among the pine-trees in
the background.
3 shows the tank taking serious damage by a machine gun while tryiing to
negotiate a series of tanktraps. Just ahead is a swamp, which will seriously
impede movement. Time for an evasive manoeuver.
4 is a shot from the map room, the "hub" where games are set up, hosted and
joined. As the name implies, the map room also provides a strategic overview
of the different islands available for campaigns.
We're aiming to have the game finished by Q4 this year, but everyone who's
ever started a game as pet project will know how hard it is to finish it. If
you want to have a closer look at the project and try out the online demo,
please check out http://www.sentinelislands.co.uk.
karl + toxi.