
Submitted by , posted on 16 July 2000
Image Description, by

first of all i am please at post my article flipcode's image of day.
here is some collection of Jindo3D's snapshot I'm working on.
Here some engine details :
Data files packing
Billboard,Particle systems
Console system
BSP,Portal ,PVS rendering
Supports All types of texture wrapping ( Plane, Box, Cylinder and Sphere ),SphereMapping
Camera Nav System Based two-pivot crash detect like Drakan,MDK2 and Camera animation
Supports Vertex Lightning,Mesh Morphing
Bone and IK controller based animation
3DS Max Character Studio's Biped Animation,Physique( =skinning ) controller( Rigid only ).
Faster collision detection
Lens flares,Physics,Image loaders & savers for JPEG, PCX, TGA, BMP
Based 3DS MAX plugins
LOD Terran rednering(using Roam,Quadtree Tessellation,fast clipping)
Facial Animation(LipSynk,eyebrows defomation(Using Mp3 Callback Lipdata))
Motion Blending In Character Animation
Polygon Reduction (Multi resoluction)
Mp3 Player
ActiveX Component designed for Web Support
if you wanna more infomation of Jindo3D you just visit
my web page at : http://jindo3d.secsm.org.and special thanks to Thatcher Ulrich,Tobias Johansson.
Ps)Jindo is faithful korean dog's name like German shepherd :)
- han been
that's all~
see you later..