
Submitted by , posted on 15 July 2000
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hey, i've been a fan of flipcode for a long time now and I thought that
I would contribute my own IOTD for once :>
The following screenshot if of a Quake2 level (I dont remember who made
it, sorry) converted from the quake2 .bsp format into my own binary
format. It was rendered using a simple test program that I whipped up
in a few minutes to test the validity of the data. Currently, the
fileformat supports triangle strips, multiple textures and texture
coordinates. I plan on adding lightmap information soon, and then
probobly entity/actor/object information. This will soon be intigrated
with my octree based hidden surface removal. If anyone would like a
copy of the file format spec or the source code to either the converter
or the demo rendering program, just post a reply. Note: Although the
fileformat supports multiple textures, I havn't written a texture
manager yet so it is only rendered with one texture ("stolen" from Q3A)
Kyle Kestell