
Submitted by , posted on 05 July 2001
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This IOTD shows my engine (The FingleTron Engine) at
work running my small version of Star Wars Episode 1s
pod racer game. The game allows the player to
control the pod using the mouse. It has sound (just
the engines at the moment) and pretty accurate
collision detection (polygon-polygon), which isnt
quite perfect yet. You can have a bit of a joyride
around a track I knocked up. The pod racer itself was
created by a friend of mine. The landscape is just a
flat plane with various mountans and rocks, but the
engine is not supposed to be a landscape engine.
The engine features loading of .3ds files (thanks to
all who those in the forums at flipcode who helped me
on this recently), OpenGL rendering, polygon perfect
collision detection where filtering is done on the
scene to speed things up, full scene hierarchy, object
hierarchies, full 3d position sound (achieved through
FMOD) and sky domes.
My VERY temporary web site where you can download the
game is :
A friend of mine is currently in the process of
building me a much much better website that will
contain a lot more information about the engine, the
games I will create with it, and hopefully projects
other people will create using the engine.
James Fingleton