
Submitted by , posted on 03 July 2001
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This is a shot of the level editor for a Lode Runner clone I'm doing. The
reason I'm doing it is to give my 2D GUI a good work out. So far it's
performing well.
It uses DirectX 8 for rendering. The GUI, and this editor, are entirely 2D
applications but the renderer DLL I have set up is capable of doing 3D as
well. I'm doing this quick game to give them both a good run and see what
breaks. Heh.
Using my GUI I was able to get this editor up and running in a few hours.
True, it's nothing too fancy, but it proves the GUI works under real world
situations and that was the important thing.
A full description and more shots of the GUI can be found at my hosted site
right here on Flipcode, http://epicboy.flipcode.com/.