
Submitted by , posted on 01 July 2002
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This is a screenshot of the leveleditor I am making for my engine the interface is based on the interface of lightwave. I started half a year ago with a 3d engine, and after programming a bit I needed a way to create my worlds, with it's objects and portals, so I started with a level editor only for my own use. Now I've finaly finished the things I had in mind when I started it (placing objects and portals), but it isn't finished at all, because now I've got many more ideas, like a radiosity lightmaps, an assambler compiler for scripts and special fx like particles, lens flares, volumetric lights and waves.
I think I will make it public when my game is finished, but it may take a long time until I've finished all my ideas.
I model my objects in lightwave, and import them in my world editor. the portals are polygons with a surface name that start with Portal_.
You can connect the portals from two different objects to each other. btw the Kamers en Portals tab (which means Cells and Portals) is ancient. I moved the portal stuff to the object editor, because it doesn't use a view at all.
I think I will now continue programming my engine, so that I can walk through the worlds, and after that I will continue with the editor.
Lightwave object (.LWO) importer
placing the objects
portal editor
a direct3d view window class
A pretty advanced interface
not finished yet:
Lightmaps. It already maps the UVs for the lightmaps correctly, but it does only directional lighting. I'm going to make a radiosity renderer for this.
assambler script
Test view
updating my website.
not started yet:
Lens flare
volumetric light
translating it to english