
Submitted by , posted on 22 June 2001
Image Description, by

Well, ray traced images seem to quickly becoming more popular than shots
from landscape engines. In keeping with my "me too" programming philosophy,
here's an image from my ray tracer which I've been working on over the last
couple of weeks in my spare time. The image took nearly 20 minutes to render
at 1600*1200 with 4*4 antialiasing. I rendered it for my wallpaper and I run
in a pretty high screen res :)
Currently it's feature set is pretty small and nothing too special:
A simple scene file parser
Texture mapping with bilinear filtering
Perlin noise blending multiple submaterials [in the image, red, yellow and
Bump mapping
Lame 'hard' shadows
It's nothing really special, but it's fun to write and produces some fairly
nice images. If you like, you can download the source and a sample scene
file from www.bsod.co.uk