
Submitted by , posted on 13 June 2002
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i just finished the final version of my 64k-intro "fr-019 .poemtoahorse". we
won the mekka and symposium intro competition, but the party version had
many bugs.
the screenshot shows "extrude and subdivide". a powerfull combination to
create abstract blobby stuff. this is just one of many 3d-scenes, all
stuffed into 64kbyte including code, sound and graphics.
most important about the product is a tool that allows you to create
everything in realtime. this includes changing every aspect of a texture
while seeing it mapped as an environment map in the lighted 3d scene. that's
a real big win if you try to set the envi map up in a way that makes it
shine in exactly the right moment of the camera movement.
you can download the intro at http://www.theproduct.de/fr-019-final.zip
more information about how it is done can be found at
http://www.theproduct.de . this page refers to fr-08 the product, but both
projects are similar.
Dierk "Chaos" Ohlerich