
Submitted by , posted on 09 June 2000
Image Description, by

Originally, we intended to post a nice outdoor terrain screenshot here...
but then, we decided to do something else with our Bezier Patch renderer.
The screenshot shows both Bezier Patches and CSG-generated geometry, with
the patches being dynamically tesselated in run-time. Some of the patches
are visually enhanced with real-time specularity; all the surfaces are
light-mapped using radiosity computations. The tentacles in the background
on the right side of the screen are sets of keyframe-animated Bezier
The nice thing about Bezier patches is that they can be adaptively
tesselated - thus, the scene shown in the screenshot runs smoothly even on a
Voodoo Banshee :).
Now, I wonder how long it will take until somebody comes up with a
Bezier-based Terrain renderer ;).
For more screenshots, visit the Vulpine home page: www.vulpine.de