
Submitted by , posted on 02 June 2002
Image Description, by

Hi there - I'd like to sub this image from a project I am working on - some kind of 3D shoot 'em up not too dissimilar from Starfox/Starfighter - that kind of thing.
The main image is from a test version showing the terrain and a test model ship, while the inset image shows the method I plan to use for terrain reflection in the water.
Techie stuff:
a.. Terrain generated from greyscale heightmap, and spilt into a desired number of terrain "blocks"
b.. Terrain texture generated from 4 landscape textures (grass, rock, and so on...) and detail texturing (not shown here)
c.. Quadtree culling on objects registered as static
d.. Rendered using DX 8.1
e.. Real time bump-mapped reflections using texture rendering and projection (inset)
f.. Stencil shadows on objects
There are two people so far working on the project (programmer and
artist), but the gfx and models shown above was done by myself for
testing purposes. I should have more images and demos for download
from my website, which is also to follow soon! (http://www.mrprogrammer.co.uk/elkdanger)
The project is still at an early stage, so go easy!