
Submitted by , posted on 01 June 2002
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This is a early version of my first OpenGL game, it was my learning
program when i started in OpenGL.
The Graphics aren't really mindboggling, and the engine isn't what you would call lightning fast, but it has some of the basic game structure.
I'm now creating a new basecode to support my future games, once it-s done i will port this game to that basecode, but for now, here are the specs:
Bloated RAW texture loading
Exitingly slow particle system
Basic scoring (no high-score though)
Basic keyboard control
Buggy as hell
The game and full source can be downloaded at bahman.netfirms.com/v3.zip
It might help some of you that are starting in OpenGL with some of the basic stuff
BTW: designed for Dev-C++