
Submitted by , posted on 18 May 2003
Image Description, by

I am working on developing a massive online RPG. The screenshot you see here
is a snapshot of the World Editor. This project is being developed with
DirectX 8.1
The game is based off a game I made ages ago called Tsunami, a text based
LPMud. This game is up and running even today at
http://www.tsunami.thebigwave.net. Once a player reaches a certain level
they become wizards and, using our world editor, are able to create and rule
over their own domains.
We will soon go live at http://www.tsunamirealms.com (as soon as we can get
the domain pointed to the correct IP).
We are looking for 3d artists and developers to contribute to this project.
Please contact me at: tsunamirealms@hotmail.com if interested!!