
Submitted by , posted on 13 May 2003
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This is only my second rendering in 3d Studio Max, it is a picture of two planets with triple suns in the background. Both planets are the same size. I used a bump-map for both and just messed around a little bit to get the look. The planet on the left was textured with a skybox texture. I used the planet material included in MAX for the bump map and added in a dirt texture to add another bump map on top of that. Then I increased the bump amount to make it seem deeper. For the planet on the left I used the aformentioned dirt texture and then added a bump map with the same texture. I picked a blue ambient/diffuse light as well. For the background area I used a slight fog and the Smoke material for the environment map. After the rendering I opened the image in Adobe Photoshop and added in a 105mm Prime lens flare in three different locations.