
Submitted by , posted on 07 May 2002
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This is Motazaar - hierarchical character animation player for Outcast the
game. The core code is really old, but "flashy" UI, lighting and some
other stuff was added recently while i was trying to understand Gtk+.
But main reason to present it as IOTD is the fact that Motazaar wasnt
written in Algol/Simula derived language. Motazaar as it's predecessor
Okaar is written in OCaml. Regarding animation, im
still not sure i got it correctly, or rather, im still as hell sure thats
not how Appeal did it in the game, but my method works fairly well most of
the time. Also there exist really small and much less glamorous C++
version of the player, it can be found here.
Motazaar's page is http://algol.prosalg.no/~malc/motazaar