
Submitted by , posted on 01 May 2002
Image Description, by

Recently i'm doing a small research in the matter of fast (preferably
realtime ) clouds rendering including some participating phenomenas like
shafts of light, realistic cloud shading etc. What you see is entirely
'pixel' based solution ( clouds shape using multilayer perlin noise ( like
hugo.elias did, but with some nice optimizations ) and a nifty cloud
shading function ). The shafts of light are not finished yet. The red dots
are my visibility markers :).
Anyway the solution is very simple and pretty fast, fully interactive cloud cover
which reacts on wind and range of turbulence values runs with 20+ fps on
my duron600 and gf2 ti. Ahhh, and is powered by linux :)))
At the moment i'm still trying to improve the
shading near the horizon ( since it's not good enough, and that's why is
not so well visible on attached image :)) ), and moving towards entirely
different solution of the problem.
I'm looking forward to any suggestions. Also looking for some documents
which would help me to develop better lighting model. If you have anyone,
please share:
J.F Blinn "Light Reflection Functions for Simulation of Clouds and Dusty
Surfaces" (1982)
N.Max "Light Diffusion Through Clouds and Haze" (1986)
N.Max "Atmospheric Illumination and Shadows" (1986)
N.Max, R.Crawfis, D.Williams, "Visualizing Wind Velocities by Advecting
Cloud Textures" (1992)