
Submitted by , posted on 22 April 2004
Image Description, by

Here are some screenshots from our latest game demo. We are seeking a
publisher at the moment. What's unique about
this demo, is that we use the Crytek engine. This is the same engine that
FarCry was developed with. As you can see
from the screenshots the Crtyek engine can do quite a bit more than just
huge outdoor environments.
Features of this game:
a.. Both indoors and outdoors seamlessly
b.. Night Vision/Thermal Vision/Binoculars
c.. Use of stealth & silenced weapons
d.. Full physics system, including ragdoll
e.. Vehicles are drivable & deadly
f.. Non-Linear gameplay. (You can get partial credit for partial mission
g.. Fully interactive environment.
More screenshots can be seen at
Kenneth Hurley, CEO