
Submitted by , posted on 16 April 2004
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Muli3D is a software-rendering API I've been working on in February. The
aim was to create a software rendering library with support for vertex-
and pixel shaders. Another goal was to provide interfaces which resemble
Direct3D: Muli3D manages geometry data in vertex- and indexbuffers,
allows render-to-texture operations and comes with a math-library
containing functions for vector- and matrix-operations. Although
texture-mipmapping isn't supported yet, point- and bilinear filtering
are available.
The first screenshot shows a sample application that renders Quake 3
maps with textures and lightmaps.
The program presented in the second picture renders textured wavefront
obj-files; I've added some parts of its source code to the pic.
In case you're interested and want to have a look at the source code,
just send me an email. - I haven't had the time to create a website and
upload the library yet.
Stephan Reiter