
Submitted by , posted on 10 April 2001
Image Description, by

This is my first posting on flipcode for an Image Of The Day. This picture is my contribution and shows some
screenshots taken from a 3d demo realised in Java. It uses my own engine called OZOS Web that actually fits
into less than 40kb. My first motivation was the fact that Java was and is still not really exploited on the Web.
Ofcourse, they are some beautiful offline demonstrations, but they are quite heavy and use in general only software
routines. From this point, I've decided to focus only on speed and be able to animate 3d meshes on the Web with
a good frame rate even in a 1024x768x24 bits screen browser. Ofcourse, I had to make some compromises
because Java applet is not really as powerful as the C++ / DirectX duo (or OpenGL, whatever). The first and main
interest of Java is that is plate-form independent (or is a plate-form as a wellknown person said) in the opposite
of an ActiveX. So finally, I'm quite happy of the result and to be able to increase the interest of a Web site just
by adding some logos in 3d, a head that welcome you, or a lot of things you can imagine, all with a code of just
some tenth of kilo bytes (the engine also includes pure software routines, like bitmap tunnel, optimized transparency
routines, mosaic effect, blurred images, etc..). Actually, I'm not sure to add features to OZOS Web because of
the lake of time and especially to keep focused of the fact it must be light and adapted to the Web. You can watch
the demo that uses this engine directly online at www.obrazstudio.com/demo.