
Submitted by , posted on 18 March 2003
Image Description, by

This was written for the LGP devcompany competition
http://www.linuxgamepublishing.com/devcompany.php. In short,
linuxgamepublishing wanted a team of 8 developpers to create a Linux
game (potentially cross-platform also) for which they guaranteed
publishing. One part of the application was "to do soemthing cool in no
more then 2K". This is a really odd thing since the 2K actually refers
to source code characters (excluding "\t\r\n "). Henceforth what you're
looking at now is a falling snow demo written with SDL/OpenGL. Of
course it looks better when it's animated, since it's written with SDL,
Windows and Linux users alike may check out the link posted above in
order to check it out (source code only).
On the technical side of things, the snowfall animation is done in a cpu
speed independant fashion and is based on a random angle diffrenciation
method. most old-school snow demos were simply doing a random
positioning diffrence of the snowflake but this doesn't look too good
since it doesn't do a smooth transition (ie: it can jump from x += [-10
to +10]). By using the angles as a diffrence, we can basically
guarantee that the transition will be smooth since the angle can only
change of so much per seconds. Besides the animation, the flake itself
is a texture which is generated on the fly. I'm using a Korn fractal to
generate the bounding pixels for the fractal and then, I use a floodfill
algorithm to add transparency around the white flake. All of this is
done with less 2000bytes. You can also take a look at the other
finalist's sumissions at the web site. Some are pretty impressive
considering the contraints.