
Submitted by , posted on 17 March 2003
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Space Station Manager is station management and building game I recently
My original inspiration was to write a relaxing and non-violent space
related strategy game,
a kind of tribute to the explorations of space through times. In the late
eighties there was
a few station related games, most notably Project Space Station and EOS, but
believe SSM is one of the few games today about the subject.
Technically the game is very clean, a basic DirectX 8.1 rendering engine
FMOD for sound support. The planetary data are from the NASA Blue Marble
likewise for many of the backgrounds and images. I used Sound Ideas for
sound effects
and Maya for creating the models. The dev environment consists of Emacs,
NMake and
Visual Studio.
As my process I use eXtreme Programming. There has been weekly releases
7 months back and I will currently continue with the tradition. Each release
is a feature
release striving to add new features to the game. I found that this regular
release schedule
made tweaking the UI much easier, the task that took most of the
developement time.
The game is distributed as shareware and the registered version is on sale
(plug) for $19.95 USD
at the moment. More information and trial download at
http://www.mistaril.com or directly by