
Submitted by , posted on 17 March 2002
Image Description, by

The images above are from Volume War, a GPL'd game that I have been working
on in my spare time. Volume War is best described as Worms in 3D. It is
practically finished, at least as far as I am concerned. There is still
some content to be added and some tweaking/polishing to be done before 1.0
though (the explosion particles for example).
With regards to the FPS, my machine is a P3 600, TNT 2.
At this point I am extremely keen to get some feedback so as I can maximise
the all important fun factor. The levels I have created have all been put
together without much play testing, I am hoping that in time the factors
that make a fun level become clear (if there is a demand I shall release a
level editing guide). I have also not done much play testing with regards
to weapon balance, some of the weapons need quite a bit of
tweaking/polishing. At the moment the AI is probably a bit too mechanical.
I found that while aiming in 2D with 1D wind is one thing (Worms), aiming
in 3D with 2D wind is quite another. I have attempted to address this issue
using a "Helper" (explained in tutorial), however the feedback so far is
that it does not help a lot.
Describing my art as "programmer art" is probably a bit too flattering and
most likely insulting to fellow programmers, the stuff that looks
reasonable has been taken from the Internet.
Here is a feature list.
dynamic terrain and corresponding vertex lighting
bounding box frustum culling
some nice physics
3D sound using FMOD
1 and 2 player modes
tutorial and campaign (story coming soon)
I am satisfied with the way the game has turned out. Having started it
about 10 months ago my skills have developed quite a bit. In any case it is
a finished game (practically), and we all know the value of that. Thanks
heaps to those who download it and provide me with feedback.