
Submitted by , posted on 16 March 2002
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This is my humble IOTD. It is my 2D (DirectX) game I have been working on
for about 6 months in my spare time. Without Flipcode, it would not be here
at all. The vast database of information and people online willing to help
are to be commended! I am a weekend hobbiest programmer using straight C.
( I am currently at 221 days studying 'Learn C++ in 21 days) :)
Lucky Sevens DX is one of two, 9 card slot machines, I have been working on.
Nothing special here at all. Just an un-original idea, reinvented and placed
into the DirectX enviroment. It may not be a leading edge 3D shooter, but I
had quite a few people lined up to play it at my last house party.
Improvements coming are:
PAY button works. (Not implemented yet)
Network play. I plan on having a central server controling the payouts
like the real Casino world does.
Programming this in DirectX 3D or OpenGL. Would be nice to see the wheels
in 3D!
The install program for this IOTD can be download from: