
Submitted by , posted on 15 March 2004
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This is a racing game I am working on using opengl, SDL and works on linux and windows platforms.
I am fairly happy with my progress, at this stage has taken about 3 weeks, and i have also
developed a 3d max exporter. I have previously used DirectX do create my engines, and decided
to use OGL for this one and it seems much easier/quicker to develop and get decent frame rates.
a demo is also avaialble at my website: http://www.users.on.net/amathews/siphon/
also trying to get ODE in but having some issues there, so if your a pro with ODE, gimmie a buz on icq: 70981152,
msn: supagu@hotmail.com
Code by Fabian Mathews www.fabian.2ya.com
Art by Bronson Mathews www.bronson.2ya.com