
Submitted by , posted on 14 March 2000
Image Description, by

Here are a few screenshots of my terrain engine, OGRE. It's been in
development for only a coupla weeks now, which should explain the apparent
lack of features. The features implemented so far include:
Global unique texturing with shadow maps (lower right shot shows the
shadow/light mapping)
Dynamic animated clouds (3d Perlin noise). Backdropped for now, but I'll
implement a sky dome as soon as I get to it.
6dof with collision detection
RGB lighting
3d studio mesh support (the reason there are no dynamic objects in the
screenshots is that I don't have a map editor yet and haven't gotten around
to doing procedural object placement)
Procedural terrain generation (diamond square with a fair bit of
Well, that about covers it.
-Vlad Andreev