
Submitted by , posted on 12 March 2001
Image Description, by

I've been an regular reader of flipcode for about a year or more and been
just lurking around picking up cool tips and looking at awsome pictures.
The image submitted is a screenshot of the application I've been working on
at Propellerhead Software (www.propellerheads.se), it was finally released
last autumn.
So what is it?
It's a music-making software. It features a number of "devices" that
generates sound and has a build in sequencer. There is also free routing of
the audio chain by flipping to the back side of the rack. The top left area
is the front and the lower right is the back. At the very end is the
So why post it at Flipcode?
It looks pretty good (imho).
It uses a number of techniques more normal to games than music, the graphics
uses alpha channels and are custom compressed, it creates sound using both
algorithms and samples in real-time. Realtime physics for the cables - yes
they do move pretty convincingly. We use offscreens to avoid flicker.
I'd just wanted to share this with you guys since I like the site a lot. And
I think it would make a really good tool for people making games who wants
music but can't afford an entire studio. :]
Thanks for your time guys/girls.
PS. The absolute hardest part of any project is to finish it...