
Submitted by , posted on 07 March 2005
Image Description, by

This is a combined picture of my entries into the xbox media center screensaver competition that ended on
28 feb.
I entered the competition with four diffrent screensavers. The first
one is the planestate screensaver. It's a simplified remake of my
windows screensaver with the same name that can be found at
The screensaver works by transforming planes in diffrent ways. The
animation is done by using animators that can decide how long time
they stay at a specific value and how quickly they should move to the
next value. Currently there is 23 such values that can be animated
making for a total of 210 diffrent configuration setting to be decided
to set one configuration. The screensaver has four such configurations
in it. Three of these can be seen in the top left, right and the
middle left screenshot.
Next up is just a standard matrix trails screensaver as seen in the
middle right. Nothing much to say about it. You have all seen it
before and probably created one to.
Then we have an autoplaying version of a game of asteroids in the
bottom left. The ship uses a simple ai that tries to hit any asteroid
that gets too close. If the ship can't destroy it quickly enough it
warps away to a new location. Whenever a large asteroid is hit it will
break up into a few smaller pieces. This screensaver was made just
before the contest ended and took only 4 hours to write so it's not as
polished as I wanted to make it.
Lastly on the bottom right we have an autoplaying version of a pong
game. Here too we have a very simple AI that plays the game for you.
It's extreemly simple but brings back memories from 'the good old
/Joakim Eriksson