
Submitted by , posted on 07 March 2003
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This demo is written in C++ under MS Visual C++ 6 and use the SGI OpenGL API. It groups together my lastest knowledge
for deep-water animating and rendering, in particular:
FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation)
Surface Dynamics
Water optics
Dynamic Foam
Another one feature of the PhysicsEngine in work actually is: Level geometry modification used mechanic laws, in concrete terms, if for example
the player launch a rocket to the base of a guardsman tower, according to the point of impact, the latter can lead in her fall as well other elements,
like a second nearby guardsman tower or headquarters down below. (reserved for the players that like radical methods better than infiltration !)
The development tools used for this game are MS VisualC++ 6, 3D Studio MAX 4, Valve StudioMdl, Milkshape 3D 1.5, Ulead PhotoImpact 3, Adobe Photoshop 6, Gimp 1.2, etc... And i have programmed two personal softwares: Aurora Editor (Level editor) & Pathfinder Editor (Bots path/waypoints editor).
I'm a 20 years french student and my diploma certificates are:
School - leaving diploma of general mechanic
GCE of science and industrial technology with mechanic speciality
I'm actually at University for general studies of mathematics, computer and applied sciences. (DEUG MIAS)
My holiday season job is formative in informatique centre and i hope to work in the computer games industry in the future.
Download of this demo is available at my homepage: http://whitenight.chez.tiscali.fr/
For contacts & feedbacks write at: e.girard@worldonline.fr
Eric "Whitenight" GIRARD.