
Submitted by , posted on 07 March 2001
Image Description, by

This is a screenshot from a game that I helped develop
at my school. It may not be a beautiful terrian
engine, but it is a pretty fun game. :] It's a
top-down shooter where players battle in enclosed
arenas. Gathering weapons and shooting your enemies up
what it's all about. Good clean fun.
The game itself took about four months to develop. We
had a solid process of game design documentation to
technical documentation before we started coding. The
game features a rhobust 2D engine, and some
challenging computer controlled opponents to battle
against. The game is also multiplayer over a LAN, but
does not perform well over the internet unfortunately.
If you'd like to check out the game it's about 22MB,
but well worth it.
There is currently no instruction manual to download
but hopefully soon there will be.
On a side note; we had no real artists working with us
to develop the game, so it is not as graphically
impressive as we'd like it to be. It's all about
gameplay. ;] Have fun!