
Submitted by , posted on 27 February 2002
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This is a screenshot from a personal project, called TAGARELA. This is a simple
toy that repeats whatever the user is speaking through the microphone. The point
is that it is realtime. The user can change the playback speed and apply a few
available filters in realtime, and that is it.
The application is a little simplistic as it is now, but I am surprised with the
actual feedback from the people that tried it. The toy was a success in a recent
familiar party (I was showing the Pocket PC version, and the people loved it).
Initially I was planning lots of filters and effects, but I decided to make it
simple. I am a little busy with other projects right now, but I have plans to
make a new version with plugin support for filters and effects, and some other
nice ideas as well.
There are two versions of the toy, one for Desktop PCs and one for Pocket PCs. I
will be releasing the toy as a shareware (but without any limitations).
Although I'm not representing a company, I am working on a domain name and site,
that is: http://www.virtware.net -- be welcome, there you'll find more info and
binary downloads.
Vander Nunes